Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sober on New Year's Eve? Surely you jest!

You've gotta love surveys. Whether it's the oh-so-scientific surveys conducted on newspapers' websites ("What party do you plan on voting for?" asked, the results of which can immediately be deemed completely pointless) or the ones we used to get in our student post boxes at Olaf from clearly naive psychology students ("How much money do your parents make?" one asked in a survey that was about how we were paying our tuition, without any question about whether or not our parents were actually contributing).

A survey on's homepage today asks "Hur ska du ta dig hem på nyårsafton?" (How do you plan on getting home on New Year's Eve?). The choices offered me are taxi, bus/train, on foot or bike, hiring a "fyllechaffis" (a person to drive you because you're drunk yourself), I'm staying home, or other.

The possibility of driving oneself or riding with a friend is apparently not an option, as staying sober (at least without getting paid for it) is clearly unthinkable...

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